2023 ISU Figure Junior Grand Prix in Linz, Austria, ranking second behind Adam Hagara (20.33 points, Slovakia) with a total of 211.76 points.
It is the first time that Kim Hyun-kyum has won a medal at an international major tournament.
As Kim Hyun-kyum stood on the podium, all South Korean athletes who competed in the second round of the Junior Grand Prix won medals.
Shin Ji-ah and Kwon Min-sol won gold and bronze medals in the women's singles held the previous day, respectively.
Kim Hyun-kyum attempted a quadruple toe loop jump that rotates four laps as his first acting assignment.
Although he was judged to be short of rotational speed, it was meaningful in that he carried out the high-level jumping task without falling.
Kim Hyun-kyum then made a clean triple axel-double toe loop combination jump. 메이저사이트
In the triple lutz-triple toe loop jump, attention and quarter landing decisions were made, but he made up for the triple flip by running neatly.
Kim Hyun-kyum, who handled the flying camel spin with level 3, lost 1.14 points as his landing shook in the triple axel, the first performance of the second half with 10% additional points.
The triple loop-double axel-double axel sequence jump also produced a quarter landing, which resulted in a minus of GOE 2.03 points.
It was a shame that attention came out in Triple Lutz, the last jump assignment.
Kim Hyun-kyum finished his performance with a Correo sequence (level 1), a change foot combination spin (level 4), and a flying change foot combination spin (level 4).